
IELTS Speaking Questions 2023

Sunshine Overseas Education Consultants stands at the forefront of IELTS preparation, especially with our focused approach to the IELTS Speaking Questions 2023. Recognized for our exceptional training methods and resources, we provide aspirants with an in-depth understanding of the IELTS speaking module. Our tailored programs are specifically designed to address the nuances of the 2023 speaking questions, ensuring that students are not just prepared, but are confident and articulate. With a team of experienced instructors, Sunshine Overseas offers personalized coaching, leveraging the latest educational tools and techniques to enhance the learning experience. Our commitment to staying updated with the latest IELTS trends makes us an ideal choice for students aiming for high band scores.

Understanding the challenges and anxieties students face with the IELTS speaking section, Sunshine Overseas Education Consultants have developed a comprehensive learning environment that fosters growth and confidence. Our practice sessions mimic real IELTS scenarios, providing students with a realistic experience of what to expect in the exam. This approach, combined with detailed feedback and strategies, empowers students to tackle a wide array of IELTS Speaking Questions 2023 effectively. Sunshine Overseas doesn’t just teach; we mentor and guide students through their IELTS journey, ensuring that each individual has the skills and knowledge to excel in the speaking module and beyond. Our success stories and testimonials reflect our excellence in transforming IELTS aspirants into proficient English speakers.


– Where are you living now?
– Do people of different age groups live in your area?
– What do you like most about where you live?
– What is the neighborhood like where you live?
– Do you have any friends there?
– What can be improved in the area where you live?
– Do you know any famous people in the area where you live?
– Do you intend to stay in this area in the future?

– Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a child?
– Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
– Do you still like the same kind of movie you liked as a child?
– What genres of films do you like?
– Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?

– What gifts do you want?
– Are you good at choosing gifts?
– Have you given other gifts made by you?

– Do you like the city where you live? Why?
– How long have you lived in this city?
– Are there big changes in this city?
– Is this city your permanent residence?

– How do robots affect our lives?
– Are you interested in robots?
– Did you like any films about robots when you were a child?
– Do you use robots in daily life?
– Will you feel comfortable in a car driven by a robot?

– Where is your hometown?
– Do you like your hometown? Why?
– How long have you been living in your hometown?
– Do you believe it is a proper place to grow up? Why?
– How could your hometown be improved?
– Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
– Is there good public transportation in your hometown?
– Will you be moving away from your hometown?

– Do you like rainy days?
– Does it rain much in your city?
– Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?

– Do you often chat with friends?
– Do you prefer to chat online or face-to-face?
– Do you prefer group chat or individual chat?
– What will you do if you disagree with others?

– Do you think you are an ambitious person?
– What was your dream when you were a child?
– What is your main ambition in life now?
– Are you the kind of person who never gives up on their dream?

– What is your favorite day of the week?
– What is your least favorite day of the week?
– What is the busiest day of the week for you?
– Is there anything that you do every day?
– Are weekdays and weekends the same for you?

– Do you live in a house or a flat?
– Why do you live in an apartment/house?
– How long have you lived there?
– What do you like the most about it?
– What is your favorite room? Why?
– Can you describe the view from your windows?
– Do you plan to live there in the future?
– What are the advantages of living in your own home?
– What kind of accommodation do you wish to have in the future?
– Can you tell me about your house when you were a child?

– Do you know many small businesses where you live?
– Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?
– Have you ever worked in small businesses?
– Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

– Do you like running?
– Where do you run?
– Which places do you think are perfect for running?
– Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?

– Are there wild animals in your country?
– Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
– What is the animal you like to see in the wild?
– Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?

– How often do you use maps on your phone?
– Are you good at using maps?
– Are there any maps in your home?

– What subjects are you studying?
– Why did you decide to study those subjects?
– Do you like your subject?
– Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons?
– Do you miss being a student?
– Is it exciting?
– Are you looking forward to working?
– How much time do you spend on your studies each week?
– Do you want to change your major?
– What changes would you like to see in your school?
– What work do you do?
– Do you like your job?
– Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
– What technology do you use at work?
– Who helps you the most? And how?
– Do you want to change to another job?

– Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
– Do you think students should learn to play musical instruments at school?
– Have you taken any classes on musical instruments in school?
– Which musical instrument do you like?
– How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?

– Could you stay focused in class when you were a child?
– What do you do to help you concentrate?
– Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
– When do you need to be focused?

– Did you have a bike when you were young?
– Did you ride a bike when you were little?
– Did you ride a bike to school?
– Have you rode a bike when you went out?

– Do you like geography?
– Do you think geography is useful?
– Are you good at reading a map?
– Do you want to be a geographer in the future?


Describe a beautiful city you have visited.

You should say:

  • where the city is
  • how you knew the city
  • what it is famous for
  • and explain why it is beautiful.


Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life.

You should say:

  • what the invention was
  • what it can do
  • how popular it is
  • and explain whether it is difficult or easy to use.


Describe a painting you enjoy watching.

You should say:

  • when you first saw this painting
  • what the painting was about
  • who the painter is
  • and explain how you feel about this painting.


Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child.

You should say:

  • who this child is
  • where you spent time with this child
  • what you did together
  • and how you felt about it.


Describe an interesting person you never met but would like to know more about him/her.

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • how you knew him/her
  • why you think he/she is interesting
  • and explain how you feel about this person.


Describe a successful business person you admire.

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • how you knew him/her
  • what business he/she does
  • and explain why he/she is successful.


Describe a popular person.

You should say:

  • who he/she is
  • what he/she has done
  • why he/she is popular
  • and explain how you feel about him/her.


Describe one area of science (medicine, physics, etc.) that interests you.

You should say:

  • What it is
  • When you knew it
  • How you knew it
  • And explain why it sounds interesting to you.


Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive influence.

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • when this person moved to your community
  • what this person did
  • and explain how you feel about this person.


Describe a long car journey you went on.

You should say:

  • where you went
  • what you did there
  • who you went there with
  • and explain why you went on that journey by car.


Describe a time when you talked to a group of people.

You should say:

  • when it happened
  • who you talked to
  • why you gave this talk
  • and explain how you felt about the talk.


Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • how often you wear it
  • what it is like
  • and explain why you enjoy wearing it.


Describe an activity that made you feel tired.

You should say:

  • when it happened
  • where it took place
  • what the activity was
  • and explain why it made you feel tired.


Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant or shop.

You should say:

  • when and where it happened
  • what happened
  • how you dealt with it
  • and explain how you felt about the experience.


Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting.

You should say:

  • where it is
  • how you knew it
  • what special features it has
  • and explain why you are interested in it.


Describe a famous athlete you admire.

You should say:

  • who he/she is
  • what you know about him/he
  • what he/she has achieved
  • and explain why you admire him/her.


Describe a time when you saved money to buy an expensive gift for others.

You should say:

  • what the gift is
  • who you would give the gift to
  • how long it will take to save the money
  • and explain how you felt about it.


Describe a foreigner who can speak your language well.

You should say:

  • who he/she is
  • where he/she is from
  • why he/she can speak your language well
  • and explain how you feel about this person.


Describe a time when you waited a long time for a nice thing.

You should say:

  • what you waited for
  • where you waited
  • why it was special
  • and explain how you felt while you were waiting.


Describe an apartment or a house that you would like to have.

You should say:

  • what it is like
  • where it would be
  • why you would like to have such a place
  • and explain how you feel about the place.


– What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?
– Why do some people like to visit historical sites?
– Does historic preservation contradict economic development?
– Who should be responsible for protecting historical buildings?

– What qualities do inventors have?
– Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
– Do you think people not educated in school can invent things?
– Who should support and sponsor inventions, governments or private companies?

– Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
– Do you think it is important for children to learn painting at school?
– Why do some people attach importance to home decoration?

– Do you think children should have a lot of toys?
– Where do children usually play?
– Do you think children should follow all the rules?
– Do you think it’s good for parents to help their children choose friends?

– Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between you and other people?
– Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?
– Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?
– Why do individuals from the same family have different personalities?

– What factors lead to success?
– What do people need to sacrifice for success?
– Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?
– What do you think of family businesses?

– Why do some students want to become popular?
– What kinds of people are more popular at school?
– Do you think a good teacher should become popular?

– Why do some children not like learning science at school?
– Should children be encouraged to learn science?
– Should people be encouraged to learn science after graduation?
– How do you get to know about scientific news?

– Is it a positive thing for young people to live by themselves?
– Apart from cooking, are there any other skills people need to learn if they live independently?
– What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?

– What benefits does public transport bring to society?
– Is it too late for people to get driving licenses at 18 years old?
– Do you think the government should make it a rule for people to use public transport?

– What benefits does the Internet bring to communication?
– Which one is better, being a talker or a listener?
– What qualities does a person need to have to be a communicator?

– When do people wear formal clothes?
– What is the difference between the clothes of older people and the young people in your country?
– Do the people living in south India (warmer) wear different clothes from those living in the north (colder)?
– Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

– What kinds of exercises do people like to do in your country?
– What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?
– Do you think academic classes should replace PE classes?
– How can people know whether a child has a talent for sports?

– Does learning make people feel tired?
– When do people usually feel tired?
– How much free time do you think office workers should have?

– How do most people respond to bad services?
– Do you think most restaurants and shops provide better services than before?
– Why do some people remain silent when receiving bad service?
– What would you do as a boss to prevent bad service?

– How can people access travel information?
– Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?
– What causes the differences between different regions of your country?
– Is an excellent tourist destination also a good place to live?

– Are you good at saving money?
– Do you think it is hard for people to save money nowadays?
– Do you think children should have pocket money?
– What do young people save money for?

– When do students in your country start to learn foreign languages?
– What qualities should a language teacher have?
– Do you have any techniques for learning languages?
– Do you think it is faster for children to learn languages than adults?
– How does technology influence language learning?

– On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
– What do people usually do while waiting?
– Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?
– Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?

– What’s the difference between an apartment and a house?
– What is the most common architectural style of buildings in your country?
– What difficulties do people have living in the city?
– What can be done to reduce the stress of city life?

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